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The development of a computer: generations

History the development of computer always experiencing an increase. Initially, computers were created only as a tool to facilitate the calculation or as mathematical calculating machine. However, as the development of the times, the computer continues to develop into a machine or device is versatile in particular in the field of industry and research.

The computer comes from the word compute the means count. In other words, the computer can be said as a means of counters.The computer was first discovered by Charles Babbage. The intelligence of mathematical logic from a Charles Babbage is able to create a machine called the Analytical Engine in 1882. The machine serves as a common means of calculation-the calculation.

A few years later, John v. Atanasoff appeared with computer design called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) in 1937. The computer design of John v. Atanasoff officially became the first electronic computer. Over the past few years, munculah ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) which was launched by John Mauchly and j. Presper Eckert.

ENIAC was a machine that was created from the results of cooperation between the United States Government and the University of Pennsylvania. The machine consists of 18,000 vacuum tubes (vacum tube), 70,000 resistors, and 5 million point solder. Computer ENIAC was enormous machines with power consumption of electricity of 160kW.

The first generation of computers is also known as computer dinosaurs because of its size. The first generation of computers is notoriously difficult to use so that only the experts can use it. The computer is very slow to use.

The first generation of computers between 1942-1959. The nature of this first generation of computers, including a very large size, it requires a lot of cooling as many release heat, its performance is slow, and memory capacity is very small.

The second generation emerged in the 1960s. this second generation utilized a lot of companies, particularly in the fields of business. This second generation computer is smaller compared to the first generation of computers. The second generation was introduced on human memory, disk, printer, and the operating system.

The characteristics of a second generation computer, among others, is smaller than the first generation of computers, there are not many issued heat, faster performance, and capacity to store data is relatively bigger than the first generation of computers. In the era of the second generation computer, getting created software or the software.

Third generation computer developed during the 1965-1971. development of a computer third generation is the most rapid growth of the computer. The third generation of computers has the following characteristics.

Elektronikanya components of the Integrated Circuit (IC) slab-shaped.Already apply the concept of multi processing and can run more than one program at the same time.Lack of integration between software and operating systems.Greater capacity for storing data.

Fourth-generation computer is the computer which we often meet at present. Fourth-generation computer size smaller and simpler. The characteristics of computer geberasi fourth among others as follows.

Its size is smaller than its predecessor.Implement multiple programming and multi processing.'Ve known Data Base Management System (DBMS) fourth-generation machines among other things, IBM, Intel Pentium I, II, II, IV, Dual Core, and Core 2 Duo.

The fourth generation of computers has grown very rapidly. Its use is very simple (user-friendly user). In addition, fourth-generation computer also versatile. Moreover, in the fields of industry and information technology.

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